NATO Visas
NATO visas are for officials, representatives and employees of the North American Treaty Organization, and for private contractors with a sovereign government who are assigned to work on NATO projects, contracts or missions. These visas are not petition-based as they do not involve a U.S. employer, and are issued directly the Embassy in the sending country. For NATO-1 through NATO-3 status where the principal traveler is representing a foreign government on official NATO business, similar to A-1 to A-3 or G-1 to G-3 visas, the visa applicant must present a “Diplomatic Note” from the sending country. These are very similar to G visas for international organizations, except that the organization is NATO.
NATO-1 visas are for principal representatives of the government of any member state traveling on official NATO business.
NATO-2 visas are other representatives of the government of a member state traveling on official NATO business.
NATO-3 visas are for representatives of non-member states and unrecognized governments traveling on official NATO-related business.
NATO-4 visas are for NATO officers, employees and contractors traveling to work on authorized NATO projects or contracts.
NATO-5 visas are for attendants, personal employees and domestic servants of principal travelers in NATO-1 to NATO-4 status.
Like A and G visa holders, NATO visa holders are admitted for duration of status, based on their current diplomatic assignment or contract; dependent family members are admitted in the same visa classification as the principal visa holder; and all travelers in NATO visa status should be issued a State Department personal identification number through their employer upon entry into the United States.
If you are in need of a NATO visa lawyer, contact Karin Wolman today!